Saturday, March 22, 2014

Skiing at the Beech

We were born up north where the weather gets cold.  Barbara could ice skate to school and I could almost see Canada on a clear day.  The idea of being confined inside till summer was out of the question.  I was fortunate that two ski resorts were within an hours drive from our family home.  This clearly had something to do with my affinity for gravity sports.  I was a member of the Ashland College Ski Club, participated in intercollegiate slalom racing, started the New London High School Ski Club,  taught my children how to ski, and probably spent too much time and money on the hill.  After a three year absence from skiing due to a back/knee thing I finally felt well enough to give it a try.  Much to Barbara's surprise everything worked and we had a great time.  YES!

 We choose Beech Mountain North Carolina for the trial by ordeal.  Ski Beech is touted to be the highest ski area east of the Mississippi at 5506 feet of elevation.  The revitalized area offers a high speed quad lift, an alpine village with an ice skating rink and lodge, and a new Umbrella Bar at the top of the mountain offering great views and craft beers.  Not Utah or Colorado but much closer with adequate snow making and grooming for a truly enjoyable experience.

Brought to you by: Team Gledhill, Prudential Network Realty Buying or Selling Property in St. Johns Co? Call 904-874-2588 or email
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